Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wheat Flour

Crop sorghum grain is often called, originated from Central Africa between Ethiopia and eastern Sudan. Wheat crops included in the family Graminaeae. The original name is not clear sorghum, known diIndia bicolor, East Africa by the name of infidel and Indonesia often called wheat.

Wheat crop have advantages compared with other Cereal crop resistance to drought. Drought resistant is caused by the wax coating on the stems and leaves, and relatively small surface of the leaf that can reduce water loss due to evaporation . Seeds of wheat has a quality comparable with corn meal. Wheat protein content is slightly higher than corn, while the lower-fat ingredient.

Seeds of wheat is composed of approximately 82% endosperm, 10% of institutions, 8% of the outer skin or perikarp. Outer skin is composed of three layers: epikarp, mesokarp, and endokarp. Below there is a layer Testa endokarp layer which contains tannin dyes. These compounds can cause coloring and bitter taste in our products and can react with proteins. Amylose content of wheat seeds contain 28.15%, protein 9.72% and 3.57% fat.

The content of wheat, among others: 1) Sorghum Starch. Based on the nature of the starch, can be divided into two kinds of types of Waxy (fluffier) contains very high amylopectin reached 100% and the type of non Waxy (inflammation). Amylose content of wheat types of inflammation ranged between 21-28% and fluffier type only 1-2%. 2) Protein. There are 4 kinds of protein in wheat seed albumin (water soluble), globulin (salt soluble), prolamin (alcohol soluble) and glutelin (alkali soluble). These proteins are located in institutions and aleurone layer, while prolamin and glutelin proteins contained in the endosperm. Grain protein content varied from 4.7 - 17%. 3) Fat. Lipid content in wheat seeds about 3.6% more than 79% of them are in institutions and less in the endosperm. Lipid content in intact seeds was 3.6% in the institution, endosperm and bran respectively 76.13% and 11%. About 80% of fat in grain form unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid and oleic 49% 31%, while the saturated fatty acids in the form of palmitic acid and stearic 14.3% 2.1%. 4). Tanin. In wheat there are 2 important pigments are carotenoids and polyphenols compounds. Polyphenol compounds consists of 4 kinds of pigments are flavonoids, antolianidine, leucoanto cianidine and tannins. Polyphenol compounds found in a layer epikarp, endokarp and Testa. Tannin content in grain ranged from 0.4 to 3.6%, and most are in the lining of Testa. Tanin able to withstand the workings of various enzymes in the digestive tract, such as trypsin, amylase, lipase and others.

Wheat flour contains very little sugar is fermented. Concentration of monosaccharides and disaccharides in wheat flour about 0.5%. It is estimated that the wheat starch and crude fiber contained approximately 65%. Starch grains mainly composed of amylose are covered by amylopectin. Wheat protein fraction is composed of 4 fractions dissolved in water, soluble in a solution of salt (NaCl), dilute, dissolve in 70% alcohol and soluble in alkali.

Wheat flour is the result of the separation of body and skin from the endosperm by milling and sifting. Particle size-zarahnya according to international standard size is 149 microns. When the number of certain powder mixed with water, it produces a certain batter. The dough can be viewed as a system of colloidal solids and water and air that eventually form a network and become sticky. The nature largely due to gluten.

In wheat flour contains less protein. Pure protein that is only composed of amino acids, that is one of organic compounds with low molecular weight. These acids covalently bind together into peptides, therefore the protein is also called polypeptides.

Classification of proteins according to Wilbraham et.al (1992) based on the solubility of proteins are classified into: 1) Albumin, this class of proteins soluble in water and aqueous solutions. Examples included in this group are ovalbumin, serum albumin, laktabumin, albumin grains, soluble in water and can be precipitated by high levels of salt solution. 2) Globulin, this class of proteins soluble in dilute salt solution, but does not dissolve in distilled water. For example ovoglobulin and serum globulin. For example ovoglobulin and serum globulin. 3) Prolamin, this group does not dissolve in water but soluble in alcohol 30-90%. Mostly found in plants such as zein in corn and wheat giladin on. 4) Glutelin, this group does not dissolve in solvents but soluble in acid or alkaline aqueous solution. This class of proteins found in plants such as in wheat and maize. Classification based on protein conformation of proteins is divided into thread or fiber (fibrous) and globular proteins.

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