Saturday, October 9, 2010


An atom has only one orbital univalensi who are willing to binding, but the atoms with two valence or more must form bonds by using at least two orbitals. Orbitals of oxygen atom has two half-full to make the atom valency two. Orbital is formed single bond through two atomic orbitals overlap with another.
Based on the principle of overlap maximum, the core of the other two atoms should form a bond angle 90oC with core orbitals of oxygen because the two are available on the oxygen p orbitals are mutually perpendicular to each other. Similarly, it should be expected that nitrogen which has three p orbitals are perpendicular to each other should have 90oC if to form three bonds. But not these bond angles are observed. Bond angle in water is 104o27 ', and in ammonia is 106o46 '. For alcohol and ether, this bond angle is slightly larger.

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